Aerial / Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts , Norway
August 2023

Queer game jam is a week-long workshop with french artist Chloé Desmoineaux and AV-net , initiated by aerial in collaboration with BEK. The workshop will be based around the themes of technofeminism and queer video-gaming.

The workshop will start by drawing from Chloe’s an Al’s fanzines and resources from various cyberfeminist networks from Spain, France and Belgium. Afterwards we will be initiating a Game jam around speculative storytelling, inspired by historical accounts, Norwegian queer narratives and personal narratives. There will be simple tools at our disposal, including fantasy consoles! These are easy for the uninitiated but are no less interesting for people at ease with game development. Towards the end of the workshop, we will build an itinerant arcade terminal, using building facades as a game screen.

The workshop is free, designed for queer people over 18 and will be hosted in English. No previous experience of gaming or building arcade is needed.

Video games  made during the residency are availables here: