Installation interactive
Raspberry-Pi, micro cravate, vidéoprojecteur, flûte(s) et produit désinfectant.
Scylle 3000 is a hijack of the Snake game . The goal of the game is always the same, catch the red pixel on the screen in order to increase your score without touching yourself or the edge of the screen. The snake will increase in size and its speed will accelerate. The snake will change direction depending on the notes played, in this case SI to go up, LA to go down, SOL to turn left and MI to turn right. It is possible to play alone or in co-op by assigning yourself a note. In GAME OVER, play SOL to restart a game.
The attraction was presented at the media library of the French Institute of Tangier during an Eniarof, as part of Novembre Numérique as well as - as part of the Super Demain event in Lyon! - At the Quai des Savoirs in Lyon - At the Printemps de Bourges - At the Micro Folie in Clichy sous bois - Eniarof at the Fan in Rosny Sous Bois - Micro Contact in Crest