_Alt+Ctrl artist, independant game curator centered in technofeminist collective practices, unperformant designer of performative installation , Chloé Desmoineaux_[she/they] lives and works as a game teacher in Marseille. Inspired by tactical media and hacking practices, she creates interactive installations, hijacks video games and reflects on alternative ways of conceiving _painfull_and_laborious_ screen-controller interaction.
When she's not deafening herself by mediating her multiplayer musical adaptation of Snake, or performing the dynamic boss winner to animate the most unfair and tiresome employee-of-the-month race, she leaves the sadomasochist-tinged playful inventions to give lectures and workshops that traverse various technofeminist practices integrating videogame creation, alternative controllers or speculative fiction writing.
Contrary to what one might think, her aim is not to make people suffer with fruitlessly entertaining installations, but to generate links by experimenting with alternative, creative and collective ways of experiencing pleasure in play.
Since 2016, her work has included a curatorial dimension, to give more visibility to creators from queer and dissident communities. In 2017, she organise Very Symbiotic conferences, an intersectional constructivist night about situated knowledge for the tribute event"TRANS//BORDER, les enseignements de Nathalie Magnan" at MUCEM with Reine Prat, Isabelle Carlier and Peggy Pierrot.
She also co-organizes the Art Games Demos partys alongside Isabelle Arvers from 2017 to 2023 and co-curated the Institut Français exhibition "S'il Vous Play" with Pierre Corbinais in 2018.
In 2021, she open the transfeminist hacklab FluidSpace, a weekly meeting where technology is explored through a feminist prism.
Her work has been exhibited internationally, notably in
French Alliance in Costa Rica, Milan Machinima Fesival_Italy, Marrueco _French Institute of Tangier_Rabat and Casablanca, Hammer Museum - UCLA Games Art Festival curated by the UCLA GameLab, UNAM Mexico, PODfest digital poetry festival_Rio Brazil, Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts _Norways ,Las Deudas_Buenos Aires, Hangar.org_ Barcelona, Le Pavillon_Namur_Belgium, Théâtre de Vidy_Lausanne_Switzerland, Jalloo Festival_New Brunswick_Canada.
In France at La Gaïté Lyrique _Paris, le Grenier à Sel_Avignon, Galerie Biza_ Annecy, RIAM festival_Art-Cade Galerie Bains Douche_Marseille, Transpalette Art Center_Bourges, Super Demain and Les Subsistances_Lyon, La Fabrique d'Art Numérique _Rosny Sous Bois, Le Printemps de Bourges, Le Quai des Savoirs_Toulouse, La Condition Publique_Roubaix, MUCEM_Marseille, Octobre Numérique _Arles...