_Alt+Ctrl artist, independant game curator centered in technofeminist collective practices, unperformant designer of performative installation , Chloé Desmoineaux_[she/they] lives and works as a game teacher in Marseille. Inspired by tactical media and hacking practices, she creates interactive installations, hijacks video games and reflects on alternative ways of conceiving _painfull_and_laborious_ screen-controller interaction.

When she's not deafening herself by mediating her multiplayer musical adaptation of Snake, or performing the dynamic boss winner to animate the most unfair and tiresome employee-of-the-month race, she leaves the sadomasochist-tinged playful inventions to give lectures and workshops that traverse various technofeminist practices integrating videogame creation, alternative controllers or speculative fiction writing.

Contrary to what one might think, her aim is not to make people suffer with fruitlessly entertaining installations, but to generate links by experimenting with alternative, creative and collective ways of experiencing pleasure in play.

Since 2016, her work has included a curatorial dimension, to give more visibility to creators from queer and dissident communities. In 2017, she organise  Very Symbiotic conferences, an intersectional constructivist night about situated knowledge for the tribute event"TRANS//BORDER, les enseignements de Nathalie Magnan" at MUCEM with Reine Prat, Isabelle Carlier and Peggy Pierrot. 

She also co-organizes the Art Games Demos partys alongside Isabelle Arvers from 2017 to 2023 and co-curated the Institut Français exhibition "S'il Vous Play" with Pierre Corbinais in 2018.

In 2021, she open the transfeminist hacklab FluidSpace, a weekly meeting where technology is explored through a feminist prism.

Her work has been exhibited internationally, notably in

French Alliance in Costa Rica, Milan Machinima Fesival_Italy, Marrueco _French Institute of Tangier_Rabat and Casablanca, Hammer Museum - UCLA Games Art Festival curated by the UCLA GameLab, UNAM Mexico, PODfest digital poetry festival_Rio Brazil, Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts _Norways ,Las Deudas_Buenos Aires, Hangar.org_ Barcelona, Le Pavillon_Namur_Belgium,  Théâtre de Vidy_Lausanne_Switzerland, Jalloo Festival_New Brunswick_Canada.

In France at La Gaïté Lyrique _Paris, le Grenier à Sel_Avignon, Galerie Biza_ Annecy, RIAM festival_Art-Cade Galerie Bains Douche_Marseille, Transpalette Art Center_Bourges,  Super Demain and Les Subsistances_Lyon, La Fabrique d'Art Numérique _Rosny Sous Bois, Le Printemps de Bourges, Le Quai des Savoirs_Toulouse, La Condition Publique_Roubaix, MUCEM_Marseille, Octobre Numérique _Arles...


Aerial / Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts , Norway
August 2023

Queer game jam is a week-long workshop with french artist Chloé Desmoineaux and AV-net , initiated by aerial in collaboration with BEK. The workshop will be based around the themes of technofeminism and queer video-gaming.

The workshop will start by drawing from Chloe’s an Al’s fanzines and resources from various cyberfeminist networks from Spain, France and Belgium. Afterwards we will be initiating a Game jam around speculative storytelling, inspired by historical accounts, Norwegian queer narratives and personal narratives. There will be simple tools at our disposal, including fantasy consoles! These are easy for the uninitiated but are no less interesting for people at ease with game development. Towards the end of the workshop, we will build an itinerant arcade terminal, using building facades as a game screen.

The workshop is free, designed for queer people over 18 and will be hosted in English. No previous experience of gaming or building arcade is needed.

Video games  made during the residency are availables here:

Las Deudas, Buenos Aires
Septembre 2023

The residency took shape through encounters with local artists.
First I met Féli and Céleste, who run the Las Deudas space with which I'm associated through the Dos Mares residency.
Then I met Nahuel Moco, with whom I've been in touch on Instagram for several months. He's a game designer with the Cyber Cirujas collective of artists who make alternative controllers from recycled materials.
The Arduivino collective, who get together to drink wine and make some arduino projects. From this group emerged the Las Pibas del Text art collective (PETSCIIcola, Labonsaï and Mundo Violento).
The artist Tatiana Avendaño Peña, bastard philosopher, raver and telepathy learner, who through her Cuerpx Antenx project, develops thought practices and protocols that extend the capacity of bodies to send and receive signals. I share a lot of contact of international technofeminist networks with her, so we have a lot to exchange! I also meet Jules and Maca from Hackerspace Rlab. I take part in a live coding session with them and organize an evening screening of the film "Update hacker class with intersectional feminism".
Then I meet Laura Palavecino, game professor and researcher specialized in technology and experimental games.

Together, we organized the Thursday September 28 from 6pm, a technofeminist meeting and party with  Resource exchange, workshops, lectures, performances, queer video games, live coding of visuals in hydra, TextArt, technofeminist fanzines by Yuko, FluidSpace and creation of a game archive at Las Deudas.

Short version of my text adapted by Dos Mares 

Two flyers of events that we organise with the Hackerspace Rlab :


Cell Gleaner, Crumb Collector and Memory Recoverer

The Hyper.Local research unit brings together the art schools of Cambrai (Ésac), Valenciennes (Ésad) and Dunkerque - Tourcoing (Esä).

The capitalist discourse on innovation in the video game industry emphasizes speed, performance, powerful hardware, decentralized storage, artificial intelligence, more reality than the real thing (like the Layton site, subtitled Empower your future, which puts "Augmented reality, virtual reality, blockchain and cloud gaming, which is driving the rise of game as a service, as priorities for 2022"). Taking the exact opposite view of this definition of innovation, we'll be taking a closer look at independent tools created on the margins, which draw creativity from exploration, open-sourcing and the re-use of pre-existing technology. Tools and games that don't require the latest computers and a dedicated hard drive to use. The constraint of size becomes an integral part of the software's concept, and a call for humble, reasoned creation that is no less inventive and poetic.

This proposal is based on 3 imaginary expressions: Ramasse Miette, Récupérateur de mémoire and Glaneur de cellules (all three of which define an automatic memory management computer subsystem responsible for recycling previously allocated then unused memory.
Remembering, archiving, forgetting, limited storage space... these are just some of the sub-themes explored in the lexical field of memory.

For the occasion, we'll be using "Fantasy consoles" such as PICO 8, a virtual machine
simulating cartridges and 8bit (1 Byte) games, with graphic graphic display is limited to 16 colors, 128x128 pixels;  BITSY online interface for creating and exportin export games in html format, just a few Kb in size.  

Below, some of the games and/or stories Bitsy and
alternative controllers from students of the Hyper.Local
wokshop Hyper.Local.
+ Be Kind, Delete par Clément  an endless 3D bitsy game loop that destroys itself as it's played.+ A la ferme de Bibi by Marion -
-- par Antony Novena Like
+ Arpente ta rue par Sterenn  representation
bitsy 3D representation of an architectural layout in which to wander.
+ Find the exit par Elisa : Look for the exit, but the more you move around, the harder it will be to find your way... The rooms are constantly reconfiguring themselves, filling up with data, walls, voids, solids...
+ Galerababos par Jeremy college occupation, collective resource management
+ Clr__tech luca__clr par Chloé non-human, inter-species relationship, Donna Haraway
+ La boucle de Marc  par Anaël Story of a memory that fades and is lost. Glitch.
+ Good Night par Yun Hsuan  A dream that won't wake you up.
+ Routine par Pierre  A quest looms, in the urgency of the meeting Kenny embarks on an inner journey to contain his energy.
+ Rien Carré par Marion  loss of control, finding hidden things in the middle of nothing, disorienting + white-on-white alternative controller
+ Skywa-la-grenouille-et-la-flaque-d-eau
+ The assistant par Solène Gimo is the assistant to a well-known author. His job is to take the new script to the publishers. Unfortunately, he loses the pages. Help Gimo find the pages before it's too late!
+ Une dégustation sans faim par Justine  relationship with body and stomach and social network 
+ Digital Delusion par Margaux et Louis The story of reproducing cells forming a network of communication and exchange. .

On their own or as part of a team, the students created a series of smallgame based on what the theme of energy evoked in them, memory, based on a memory or an  ecological concerns related to their work. During these workshops, we explore various tools and games that don't require the latest that don't require the latest computers or take up too much space.  A part of the workshop was dedicated to opening keyboards, old cables, cardboard and nails, so that anyone who wanted to could build controllers in line with their game/work.  The constraint of size becomes an integral part of the software
concept and a call to humble, reasoned but no less inventive and poetic. I added a little challenge to encourage students to be as minimalist as possible  at the end of the workshop, to record the memory took by  their game on a Low Score board. The spirit of competition and ranking is more of a joke than anything else, since ranking bring nothing more than the possibility of seeing the total weight of all  memory of the games.

The games are currently on display at the Frac Grand Large for the ENERGIES exhibition.

We used the  Velvet Aubry’s Multi-Bitsy hack💎️for the exposition of games.  

Image tirée de la page  -


This lab took place at the École Européenne Supérieure de l'Image (ÉESI) in Poitiers, France, from July 5 to 10, 2021, as part of "Useful Fictions", the arts-design-science summer workshop of the Chaire arts & sciences: one week to implement and practice contemporary questions about our living and technological environments.
Supervisors: Chloé Desmoineaux - Nathalie Guimbretière - Hervé Jolly - Carine Le Malet
Participants: Charles Ayats - Tyler Lutz - Jean-Luc Soret - Yann Trividic

This laboratory-fiction gave shape to a multiplicity of narratives that question, divert and reconfigure notions of face, landscape, portrait and identity, echoing crucial contemporary issues, with six artistic proposals:

- " Distording tales": a documentary installation outlining the technical, methodological, conceptual and historical building blocks, as well as the bibliographical, aesthetic, philosophical and artistic references used in this exploratory workshop.
- "Faces fictions": airborne installation showing a composite face, a blurred portrait of all lab participants.
- " For a psychobotanical approach to faces" (For a psychobotanical approach to faces): interactive device based on "plant" recognition, a hot spot in contemporary research into human-plant cognition.
- "Hidden Faces": a Virtual Reality installation offering an exploratory journey into the reverse side of a face.
- Algorithmic self-portraits": an interactive device in which a deck of cards featuring landscapes, animal and plant figures is used to create a unique musical composition based on shape recognition.
- Face your body": an interactive composite portrait that evolves according to the distance at which we face it.

Here the booklet with a presentation off all the  projects

Solo Show - Bouleversement - Interferences
Retrospective of my work since 2013
curated by Dos Mares

Alliança Francesa  de Costa Rica 
September/October 2023

“ Approaching video games as a form of artistic reflection involves developing an experimental approach that is constantly at odds with the visual and narrative perspective constructed from established norms and standardized visions of what a game is and what it can do.

Chloé Desmoineaux's work approaches gaming through the lens of dissent, questioning social interactions through technology, gender, identity, interspecies relations and the creation of communities where knowledge exchange is conceived from a techno-feminist practice.

The disdain shown by certain gaming communities when their games are appropriated and pirated by dissidents fighting for social justice bears witness to the society in which we live, and provides a critical reflection on interfaces as cultural artifacts and generative processes.”

Laurent Lebourhis and Ron Reyes (Dos Mares)



 Solution hackeuse 💦️

 Transfeminist space for meetings, experimentation and hacking of all genres.

FluidSpace is a trans and technofeminist space for meeting, playing, experimenting and hacking space that came into being in 2021 thanks to the support of Artagon.
It is now located Impasse Delpech, in Marseille's Belle de Mai district.

FluidSpace is a moving, physical space, where women and gender dissidents can come together to discuss our relationship with technology, play games and open up new horizons. technologies, play games, open objects, repair them, build new ones hack systems, invent stories...

FluidSpace opens its doors every Wednesday. No special knowledge required. Anyone interested in hacking, technology, gaming, intersectional feminism, collective practices, pedagogy, science fiction (...), those who think they don't know how to do and don't dare to for the same reason, are particularly invited to come and take over FluidSpace!

If you, too, are looking for a place where you can do things your own way, without someone pointing out that you're doing it wrong. Come along and invite your cousins, neighbors, friends... !



- Installing free operating systems (linux, raspbian...)

- Workshop to discover independent and queer games.

- Workshop to create video games without coding (Twine, RenPi, Bitsy...) and with a little code /3D (Unity, Godot...)

- Interactivity, electronics and programming workshop (arduino, processing, pure data)

- 3D workshop (Blender)

- Pure data, Processing workshops

- Vjing workshops

- Technofeminist fanzine workshop

- Circuit bending workshop



There are already materials and tools at your disposal

- Raspberry pi 3+

- 1 Arduino uno and starter kit (sensors, components)

- 3 Soldering
soldering stations
- 1 potential 3D printer (coming soon)

- 1 Linux computer to borrow if needed. 

- slightly retro consoles (ps3,
game boy, nintendo 64, Wii)

- tutorials (processing,
unity...), documentation.

To find out more about the space, write to :


Already passed !


Smartphone degooglisation workshop
from 2pm to 6pm
A workshop to exchange tips on how to degoogle your smartphone, i.e. finding alternative apps and free software to the tools
googles and learn about operating systems other than  and apple!

First part: time for discussion, with video support, on why you should
ungluing your smartphone (and getting out of gafam in general?), as well as on
common issues between feminist/anti-capitalist hacking struggles and
for greater security and digital autonomyPart Two: sharing applications and free software
alternative to google and android tools, (app store, google maps,
photos, cloud, drive, gmail, calendar...). We'll also look at other
operating systems other than Android and Apple (but we won't have time to

Registration :

Website creation workshop with yes wiki free software
from 2pm to 4pm
by K2 and K1000

Discover the yes wiki software , which makes it easy to create websites with
participatory tools (maps, agendas, directory, resource sharing...).
resources...) we'll take a look at how it works and practice on a temporary site.
Example of a site made with yes wiki:


Creating a video game with the multiplatform game engine Godot
from 11H to 13H30
by and petite singularité

Part 1: What is a queer and feminist approach
feminist approach to video games? Presentation of jv examples, critical analyses
of mainstream games, the HeLa game project (1h)
Part 2: Introduction to Godot programming (1h30)


Building a radio transmitter
from 3.30pm to 6.30pm
In this workshop, we'll build a small radio transmitter
radio transmitter from a few electronic components. We'll
based on a method developed by Tetsuo Kogawa.

Participation aux frais : 5 euros par personne ou par émetteur. + si vous avez, amenez votre fer à souder !
Inscription :

FRIDAY 19/05

Fabrication de cerfs volant le 19 mai
de 14h à 19h
par Lorca

Fabrication de cerf-volant, aérodynamie, bricolage à partir de récup, couture, impression 3D de pièces, écriture et dessin.
inscription :

SI vous avez envie de vous investir au sein du fluidspace, dans la prise de notes sur le wiki, dans la communication, dans des propositions d’ateliers, la mise en contact avec des assos qui serait intéressées..n’hésitez pas à écrire ou à vous manifestez lors des rencontres !

------------------15/03/2023 -----------------------

+ Elaboration d’un wiki collectif

+ Recherche sur un dispositif d’écoute interactif pour les archives du Garage.

+ Besoin de coup de main pour construction d’une sono féministe !

+ Experimentation circuit bending, utilisation de piezos et capteurs avec arduino

+ Toutes propositions que vous amenerez !

------------------01/02/2023 -----------------------

Circuit bending, Fabrication de costumes augmentés, ou toutes propositions que vous amenerez !


Au programme de la réouverture (French and English ):

de 14h30 à 15h30

+ Présentation du FluidSpace pour les nouveau.x.elles arrivant.e.x.s

+ Réunion ouverte pour parler des activités au sein du FluidSpace.
Si vous souhaitez organiser des ateliers, lectures, projections c’est le moment de venir présenter ce que vous aimeriez partager. Nous établirons également un petit calendrier pour avoir quelques idées des activités proposées sur le mois.

+ Projet de création d’une association FluidSpace.

from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.

+ Presentation of FluidSpace for newcomers

+ Open meeting to talk about activities in FluidSpace.
If you want to organize workshops, readings, screenings, this is the time to come and present what you would like to share. We will also establish a small calendar to have some ideas of the activities proposed during the month.

+ Project to create a FluidSpace association.

De 15h30 à 18h

+ Discussion, bidouille.

Proposition de ooooo d’explorer, hacker, programmer une carte Badger pour un projet sur lequel iels travaillent

A propos d’Ooooo

From 3:30 pm to 6 pm
+ Discussion, tinkering.

Proposal to ooooo
to explore, hack, program a Badger card for a project they are working on.

About ooooo

Already organized at FluidSpace in Artagaon

Wednesday, July 20 - Presentation of the work of Bobby Brim and Velvet and of the Bitsy software.
Wednesday, June 20 - PermanenceFrom April 11 - 21, 2922 - Residence Malvada Cyborg with Corazon de Robota
Wednesday, March 2 - Circuit Bending workshop
Wednesday March 16 - Permanence and VJ-Mapping presentation by Clemy.
Wednesday, February 14 - Permanence
Wednesday, February 9 - Opening of FluidSpace